GreenYellow Vietnam proudly presents our timelapse videos of some rooftop solar projects we did in Vietnam.
Go! Mall My Tho Solar Rooftop Timelapse
Go! Mall My Tho's solar rooftop project has a capacity of 308.34 kWp. At GreenYellow, we can fully finance the design, implementation and operation of a large scale solar project on the client premises (roof, car park, floating area..) for self-consumption usage in real-time through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with an average duration of 20years, where the Client can benefit immediately with no investment from a Discount compared to its average EVN tariff.
Go! Mall Tra Vinh Solar Rooftop Timelapse
GreenYellow Vietnam proudly presents our timelapse video of the Go! Mall Tra Vinh's solar rooftop project, with a capacity of 1,244.22 kWp with a construction duration of 5 months, and help Go! Mall Tra Vinh avoids 1,641 tons of CO2 per year.
MM Mega Market Binh Phu Solar Rooftop Timelapse
With a total capacity of 701.92 kWp, GreenYellow is proud to be MM Mega Market's strategic parner in their energy transition journey.
About GreenYellow
With 15 years of experience, GreenYellow has become a major player in the energy transition in France and abroad and a true ally of companies and communities. Expert in decentralized solar photovoltaic production, energy efficiency and energy services, GreenYellow offers its customers a unique global platform, to make their energy transition a beneficial reality. Operating in 16 countries over 4 continents, GreenYellow is constantly enriching its offer through to innovation, to meet the needs of private and public players and support them in reducing their carbon footprint.