25 August 2023
The B.O.O.T. Model in Solar PPA
The B.O.O.T. Model in Solar PPA

Investing in a solar power system not only brings immediate benefits, but is also an important step in realizing the goal of sustainable development and savings in business operations. However, self-installing solar power systems can create initial financial pressure for businesses. So how to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without investing a large amount of money initially? Let's explore the B.O.O.T model in the Solar PPA through the following article.

What is B.O.O.T model?

The B.O.O.T. model consists of four key steps: B - Build, O – Own, O - Operate and T - Transfer. Through the B.O.O.T model, energy transition partners like GreenYellow will invest, operate, and maintain solar energy systems for industrial factories using Solar Power Purchase Agreements (Solar PPA).

In the context that Vietnam is continuing to promote the transition of renewable energy, cooperating with an energy transition partner like GreenYellow is a smart choice for businesses wishing to carry out the energy transformation, towards towards the goal of sustainable development without the burden of capital investment.


By partnering with GreenYellow, you will receive tremendous benefits:

  1. Financial advantage

Immediately lower your electric bills from the first month reducing production costs increasing overall profits for your business.

  1. Performance assurance

We guarantee the amount of electricity generated by the solar cell system take care of maintenance including panel cleaning and equipment replacement, throughout the contract period.

  1. Environmental impact

Khi thực hiện mô hình B.O.O.T, các doanh nghiệp sẽ tạo ra tác động tích cực đến môi trường nhờ việc giảm lượng khí thải carbon trong hoạt động sản xuất của họ. Các doanh nghiệp đang đóng góp vào một tương lai xanh hơn, đáp ứng các mục tiêu phát triển bền vững khi thực hiện chuyển dịch năng lượng.


B.O.O.T model at GreenYellow

Utilize clean and environmentally friendly energy reduce greenhouse gas emissions and align with your company's sustainability goals.

B - Build

Our team of experts at GreenYellow will assist you in designing the optimal installed capacity for your factory, obtaining licensing permits procuring necessary equipment supervising installation to ensure compliance with international safety standards.

O - Own

GreenYellow takes ownership of the solar plant absorbing all risks associated with the solar energy system, including installation and equipment-related issues.

O - Operate

We take full responsibility for optimizing the solar energy system for optimal performance. We guarantee electricity production and provide free maintenance and monitoring throughout the contract period.

T - Transfer

Once the contract ended, we transfer ownership of the solar cell system to you at no additional cost.

All these processes are conducted through a Power Purchase Agreement also known as a Solar PPA. Experience instant reduction in your electric bill without any upfront investment needed. With GreenYellow, you can enjoy significant savings as we fully cover the investment cost. We provide exclusive discount offers that lower your current electricity rates.

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